Are You Struggling To Get Rid of Belly Fat?


3 Secrets to Lose The Belly Fat

Wednesday, March 20th 7pm EST

Save Me A Seat

Are you tired of struggling with stubborn belly fat, feeling like every attempt to lose it feels like yet another failed effort?😩 It's time to put an end to the frustration and join me for my FREE Masterclass, Cracking The Belly Fat Code.


When you join me you'll:


➡️ Uncover my 3 powerful principles that have helped my clients shed not only drop the belly fat but also drop 30 pounds overall.

➡️ Discover a fail-proof system designed to keep you on track, no matter how hectic life gets.

➡️ Unlock game-changing strategies that will leave you feeling more energized, stronger, and confident in your body.


I know first hand the exhaustion of repeated failures, especially when it comes to trying to lose weight over 40. Personally I felt like my body just gave me the finger!🥴

🚨But listen up: your past struggles don't have to dictate your future success.
My FREE masterclass is your ticket to uncovering:

How to remove your weight loss obstacles once and for all?

Whether you're truly hungry or just stuck in a habit loop - and how to break free.

I don't know who needs to hear this, but you've got all the knowledge you need - now it's time to turn that know-how into action! 🔥

Cracking The Belly Fat Code isn't just about losing inches; it's about reclaiming your confidence and giving yourself permission to have the courage to try something new without the burden of perfection.

Ready to say goodbye to belly fat for good? Secure your FREE spot now and let's crack the code together.

Shall I Save you A Seat? ⬇️

Save Me A Seat

Why You Need To Attend This Masterclass:

As a woman over 40, the stuff most people talk about online just doesn't work the same for us. #Sorrynotsorry

➡️ Discover the secret to finding balance and breaking free from self-sabotage in your journey to a healthier lifestyle. Say goodbye to guilt trips over missed workouts, indulging in your favorite treats, including your morning coffee with real cream and sugar.

➡️  Finally taking charge of the belly fat so that you know YOUR exact protocol to get rid of it and keep it off for good.

➡️  It's time to reclaim control and dominate the systems and strategies needed to get rid of the belly fat for good. Yes, it's possible and no it won't come back.

Unlock the secrets to success with my proven system that's helped me and my clients to:

Gain deeper insights into how my food and workout work together so that you're able to make smarter choices that create sustainable habits.

Develop your own personal code for healthy living, where you can thrive without restrictive rules, while still living life to the fullest.

✅ Harness the incredible power of small, subtle actions that effortlessly lead to amazing results - so subtle, you'll be amazed by the impact until you start hearing "What have you been doing?" "You look amazing"

I'm In!

Hi, I'm Kim




I'm Kim Barnes Jefferson, creator of the Belly Fat Code. I am a women from Boston, and while I might look like Health and Fitness Coach, I do so much more. I actually help women over 40 feel like the body gave them the finger learn to lose the weight in a sustainable sane manner.

I have been told that I have a way of telling it like it is with love and practical advice. I have also been called tough talking -- salty talk 😜  I like to think I am a little bit of both (aren’t we all?).   

I like to live in a world where all women feel comfortable and free in their bodies. Hanging around with me can cause some serious side effects like getting you to believe in yourself 🥰


I need this